Grade 4 Learning Outcomes
Grade 5 Learning Outcomes
Grade 6 Learning Outcomes
Grade 7 Learning Outcomes


Applications of Science
Present their interpretation of the results from an experiment

  • use a variety of media to present information
  • demonstrate responsible action when using the scientific information and skills they have developed

Life Science
Adaptations of Organisms

  • relate the structure and behaviour of local organisms to their survival in local environments
  • discuss how changes in an organism's habitat can affect the survival of individual organisms and entire species
  • give examples of how the differences in individuals of the same species may give an advantage in surviving and reproducing
  • relate the growth and survival of organisms to a variety of conditions
Earth and Space Science
  • outline the importance of water for life
  • compare and contrast fresh water and salt water environments

Applications of Science

  • identify and test a prediction
  • use appropriate technologies to record, measure, save and retrieve data
  • identify ways science is used responsibly in their communities
Life Science
B.C.'s Living Resources
  • identify living resources in the local environment
  • describe the known and potential environmental impacts of using B.C.'s living resources
Physical Science
Materials in our World
  • compare the environmental impacts of using natural and synthetic materials
Earth and Space Science
Atmosphere and Weather
  • identify and measure the factors that influence local weather
  • use instruments to measure local weather conditions
B.C.'s Non-Living Resources
  • describe the environmental impacts of using non-living resources

Applications of Science

  • draw reasonable conclusions from experiments
  • organize and interpret information in simple tables and graphs
  • compare ways of solving problems and finding explanations
  • explain how hypotheses can be valuable, even if they turn out to be not true
  • demonstrate an appreciation of the importance of keeping honest and unbiased scientific records
Life Science
Classification of Organisms
  • classify plants and animals according to their internal and external features
Physical Science
Chemical and Physical Changes
  • classify changes to matter as either chemical or physical
  • identify factors affecting chemical and physical changes
Earth and Space Science
Solar System
  • relate the movement of the sun, moon, and Earth to seasons, tides, eclipses, and the phases of the moon

Applications of Science

  • select an appropriate procedure for an investigation
  • design an experiment involving two or more variables
  • select appropriate equipment and techniques to collect useful quantitative and qualitative information
  • investigate how models may abe used to think about processes that cannot be observed directly
  • evaluate conclusions in relation to other evidence and sources
  • use graphs to summarize experimental data
  • identify factors that have made possible or limited the work of particular scientists
  • describe how technology and science are related
  • propose and compare options when making decisions or taking action
  • analyze costs and benefits of alternative scientific choices related to a community problem
  • take responsibility for the safe and accurate use of equipment and procedures
Life Science
  • describe all organisms in terms of their roles as part of interconnected food webs
  • describe ways in which species interact with each other
  • determine the limiting factors for local ecosystems
  • outline the stages of recovery of a damaged local ecosystem
Physical Science
Environmental Chemistry
  • use the pH scale to classify a variety of substances
  • identify chemical reactions that are important in the environment
  • assess the impact of chemical pollution on a local environment
  • collect, analyze, and interpret data on environmental quality
Earth and Space Science
Earth's Crust
  • compare and contrast the geological features found on the ocean floor with those on the surface of the continents