Tides & Currents

Supplementary Activities:

  • Using a tidetable, plan a beachwalk for your class. What would be the best date and time?
  • Research other industries and professions that would need to refer to tide charts. Why is it important to know when the tides will be in order to get the job done?
  • "Critical Tidal Elevations" activity described in Discovery Your Estuary.
  • View the site at http://k12.cnidr.org/pa/names/stein/final.html which describes how students will collaborate to determine what affect the moon has on the earth̀s tides.

Recommended Resources:

  • Kistritz, R.U., 1992. Discover Your Estuary. Vancouver: Environment Canada.
  • Canadian Tide and Current Tables.

    BBC Education
    How tides work. Animated lesson.

    Athena Earth and Space Science for K-12 www.athena.ivv.nasa.gov/curric/oceans/
    Drifter buoys & ocean currents.

Other Supplementary Activity:

  • Examine the character of Larry Ligurian in Secrets@Sea. What does he do wrong? What advice would you offer to help him become a better journalist and investigator?